Full Moon Ceremony: 28th January 2021 - Maybe it's all about LOVE
Happy Full Moon beautiful humans!!
We are nearly saying goodbye to the first month of the year. Hard to believe, isn't it?. The highs of saying goodbye to 2020 and entering a new cycle have transformed into lows in many cases by now. If you don't feel it, you might see it around you. New restrictions, the reality of what's becoming a "new normal" and the challenges that cover any area of our lifes: from finance to our emotional wellbeing.
Things could be better. But the truth is that can always be better. Always...
We can be living a financially abundant period but have no time to enjoy the perks that come from having a wider range of options available that might come with a hefty price tag. We could have emotional stability and time to enjoy ourselves but our health might be gone, or have to much pain to fully engage with every day life.
Things can always be better... always...
But how we experience our present... every moment of every day... is not the result of our environment but about:
- How we react to it = acceptance
- And where we focus our energy = attention
And on that path of self empowerment we must take the first step: taking responsibility for "everything" that exist in our experience of life. And when I say "everything" I mean it in capital letters and without exceptions.
Taking that level of ownership comes as alien and kind of anti-natural in most cases. But is the key to open the doors to a new Universe where you don't need to be empowered because ALL is you, and you are ALL. You come to terms with the reality that your own existence is the catalyst of your reality, and with time, you'll learn to dance with the rhythms of creation. You'll fail, and succeed, break and blossom but as long as you "accept" your experiences, transmute them and keep your "attention" to this present moment and what is really important to you, you'll be more than grant.
In my last ceremony I used the expression: "fuck the new year resolutions". For many reasons. And I think at this point, if it didn't make sense at that time, it might start to sink in.
Tomorrow is the first Full Moon of the year... no preassure!. And we might have a pool of "needs" that we might feel or have to fulfil. Or a list of "goals" that we want to achieve, in this human construction of 'what a fulfilled life looks like'. Get a promotion, make more money, get another certificate, find the perfect partner, buy a new car, get the newest phone, purchase "stuff" so we can try to replicate for few seconds, that Christmas morning excitement out of the new delivery from Amazon... So today I'll challenge your list of goals:
- How many of your goals are quick fixes designed to give you a shot of dopamine?
- How many of your goals are more about 'the idea of you' that you create for the outside world and how many about you?
- How many of your goals are holy grails that will bring the joy and satisfaction that you believe don't have right now?
And if we want to go down the rabbit hole, we might just question what really is to create a better life or a better version of ourselves. And what measuring device we will be using, to evaluate that progress and value our work and achievement.
And I ask: What if behind all that noise, social conventions and rationality is just all about LOVE?
And going back to our goals and achievement lists, here are my last questions:
- How many of your goals are just for the love of it? And have no other value and purpose than to bring some savings to your Happy Investment Bank. They are not out of responsability, out of achivement or anything else but just for the sake of it or just fun.
So here is the deal, do you have plenty of them? Awesome! have more!. You don't? well, time to get those creative juices rolling because this Full Moon is about taking actions of love.
So here we go.
But before we start, here is the "usual" pre ceremony you can use before doing your exercise. Light some candles, get a comfy blanket, create a space and mood that feels safe and comfortable. It's Me Time guys!
Pre Ceremony:
You can use the Shamanic Drumming Journey (15 minutes) from Martin Duffy (Shamanism Ireland) for the "pre" ceremony phase of the evening. You can have a little meditation or reflection time. Just some quiet time for you. If you are working on certain things that you want to let go use them as offerings:
a) We are going to transmute anything that’s going on with us at the moment... frustrations, fears, worries, etc... or things that we are working on.
b) Get a nice piece of paper and a nice lovely pen and write down the things you need to balance about yourself (consequently in your life) or just let go. In a way, the things that you need to get rid of or moderate.
Eg. I give away/let go my need to control, I give away/let go my need to please others, etc..
Your paper "must" include at the end of the page:
“For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached”
This is a must :)
c) Then read your paper and if you need add/change anything you want and once you are ready, you will burn the paper.
You might need to adapt this slightly but in a nutshell I would suggest you to say from your heart:
"I love you, I forgive you, I release you and I let you go".
And in that same process we:
"I love myself, I forgive myself, I release myself and I let this situation/habit/person... go".
Other variation could be:
”I love you, I forgive you, I forgive myself, I release you and I let you go”
Remember that any process of change starts within guys! We work on ourselves, so our self-expression changes = the world around us.
So, 'Actions of Love' sounds very altruistic, doesn't it? and there is an element of that for sure on our ceremony, but also different layers to it.
- One element is to evaluate our goals and bring a new dimension to them (if not there already): ensure you have some goals that are just for love. And act of giving without expectations towards yourself, others, the world or the Universe.
- A second element is taking action right here right now. On this Full Moon in Leo we will commit to one act of love we are going to put into practice for the sake of others.
- And the last element is an offering of Fire to offer love to the Universe for redistribution.

For this last point we can use a candle, cauldron, open fire or firepit. But please always be sensible and keep safety and common sense a priority. Based on what option we have availble of choose we will need to adapt the process.
The Fire offering is a powerful practice as this element would manifest quickly. In my case I will be making a Fairy Smudge to be burned in my cauldron but we don't all have that option.
A 'Fairy Smudge' is something of my own creation I came up with few years ago. I collect bits of flowers, weeds, herbs, leaves and make small pretty arrangements that will be quickly embraced by the fire during ceremonies.
So for this fire ceremony you can use whatever is at hand, from pieces of paper, spices, leaves from the street, tea flowers, etc... and make an arrangement around a candle or create your own interpretation of a 'Fairy Smudge' that you can burn in a fire safely. While you build your creation focus on the moment and the shapes, colors, textures of the pieces you use. You can use pieces of paper to write inspiring words that you want to offer to the Universe. And with that we will set our intention:
Once our intention is set I'll ask you to go within your heart and let it open like a blossom and direct all that love towards everything and everyone. The world needs it, the world needs you... and never underestimate the power of a thought and the fuel of an emotion.
Only embrace these words if they resonate with you my lovelies. But I would encourage you to one thing:
If you feel in great need... give
Feel free to make variations and follow a sequence that makes sense to you. And please, keep in mind to keep health and safety practices through the process.
So lets the magic begin!
Remember make it your own. Add, adapt and follow your rhythm. For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached.
And with this last remark we finish our ceremony offering our gratitude to the Universe and the circle.
Be awesome, embrace all that you are and thanks for taking part in this Ceremony.
Love you all,
Dakini Elora
Suggestion: This article about how to create a sacred espace might be handy ;)
PS: I'll be putting your names down in my list to connect us all and use the channel to increase the energy of transmutation. This is not a shopping list: I need a new car, or my boyfriend is an asshole make him nice, or my boss is a bitch just turn her into a teddy bear… no my dears… that's not how it works! Hahahaha but seriously we are not here to do dark magick, we don't ask for others only for us and within us. But just in case, I bound the circle for the good of all concerned and with no strings attached. If any of you don't want their name to be added to my list, just shout! Text me, call me, let me know please. Your individuality and empowerment will always be honored and respected. Always :)