Poem: My Children...
My children don’t have flesh and bones but walk through the face of the earth in the hands of others. They carry my soul in every touch, every idea and every smile I help to set free in exchange for loneliness. Sometimes my children get dressed with ink and have hurt for breakfast to bring sunshine by evening time. They bathe in hopes and dreams in a world made of graveyards waiting for the moment to shred their skin. My children live under the ground and the top of the trees. They dance with the ocean and fly in the...

Poem: #selftalk
It’s ok to be ok. . Yes you hear me right. It’s ok to be happy even if you are hurting. It’s ok to be hopeful and excited even if the world is falling apart. . It’s totally ok to laugh at silly things and have fun without moving from your living room or have another human presence. Yes, it is ok. . And not… You are not a cold selfish bitch because you choose not to drawn in drama. You are not careless because you decide what information you choose to consume. You are not insensitive because you try...

Poem: Strenght
Strength is not hard. Hard cracks... breaks. Hard is a barrier... a separation... a shell. Strength is fluid. Ever evolving in continuos motion. Strength is the embodiment of Change. Strength is in the stillness of your soul not in the expression of your nature. Strength is in your roots. Not your past or where you come from. But the ability to connect with ALL. Strength is not about being impassive. Strength is about being raw, ripen, full, hollow... and have the guts to embrace it. Strength is the ability to let your emotions be but not make you. Strength is...

Poem: Success
We aim to create a life of success. Approved and certified. Where we trade our soul for the “needed” elements, the right combination, the right choice, for what we have been told will give us a stamp of approval. Success in the name of evolution, progress, pride, luxury, cash... Success for what “we are told we want” And if you don’t... you are damned. If you question it intellectually you are brave and respected but if you live it... you are crazy. Because success is a packaging designed and created to impress and give us the value that inside we...

Poem: Boomerang
I walked away through a forest of silence Were your shadow lingered behind every stone I found in my path I was lost with no direction in a waiting room I thought was home waiting for my ticket number to be called But the days went by and silence grew Like an ivy made of tears and untold truths So in the forest of silence I learned to exist until the day it’s thickness didn’t let me breathe. But in that dark cold space of loneliness I found my own reflection looking at me again Pointing at the fire exit...

Poem: Ashes
As you leave my life poems leave too. Was this just about the drama? Or the need to be fooled? Not by you in any case but by life itself. I think we were both trapped with no much choice or say. Like a tornado of possibilities you came into my world. And as quickly as you came... You were gone... Now, all those possibilities just are the ashes of a love that we could not hold or grasp. - Dakini Elora All rights reserved, 2019
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