Poem: Strenght
Strength is not hard.
Hard cracks... breaks.
Hard is a barrier... a separation... a shell.
Strength is fluid.
Ever evolving in continuos motion.
Strength is the embodiment of Change.
Strength is in the stillness of your soul not in the expression of your nature.
Strength is in your roots.
Not your past or where you come from.
But the ability to connect with ALL.
Strength is not about being impassive.
Strength is about being raw, ripen, full, hollow... and have the guts to embrace it.
Strength is the ability to let your emotions be but not make you.
Strength is not about not being affected but about being the effect.
Strength is not about how people sees you...
but about seeing your reflection,
look into your eyes...
and say...
I love you.
And when your reflection loves you back...
strength is not necessary.
By Dakini Elora
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