Poem: #selftalk
It’s ok to be ok.
Yes you hear me right.
It’s ok to be happy even if you are hurting.
It’s ok to be hopeful and excited even if the world is falling apart.
It’s totally ok to laugh at silly things
and have fun without moving from your living room
or have another human presence.
Yes, it is ok.
And not…
You are not a cold selfish bitch because you choose not to drawn in drama.
You are not careless because you decide what information you choose to consume.
You are not insensitive because you try to help others but are not prepared to be an emotional garbage bin.
You are not wrong for not needing to be right. Or having to explain what personal responsibility really means.
You are not mental for letting others talk while you do the walk.
No, you are not.
It’s ok to love so much that you are prepared to be seen as the villain at the expense of not being an emotional crouch to your fellow humans.
It’s ok not to feel guilty for seeing awesomeness in every corner and see light in the darkest places.
It’s ok to break the invisible rules of social slavery and don’t give two fucks.
It is ok.
Yes... it is ok to be ok.
And you are not looking for permission,
and why should you?.