Full Moon Ceremony: 30th November 2020
Happy Full Moon beautiful humans !!
This is a last minute kind of written ceremony (again!). But after a day in the forest, fasting, soul connection with beautiful friends, some laughs and the help of and new old friend I found in the forest who offer to help with this migraine, I'm finally able to sit in front of the computer and write this down.
Tomorrow's ceremony will be the first one of a series of three ceremonies we will celebrate to end 2020.
- Full Moon 30th November = Acceptance
- New Moon 14th December = Gratitude
- Full Moon 30th December = Creation
It is not a spoiler alert. I promise!. But hopefully help you guide your intentions, reflection through the next 30 "and a bit" days.
Today's ceremony has come to me in pieces from different places and sources but was completed in the forest thanks to this amazing being:
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Found him after going completely off track and getting lost for a while as I had no reference from the path. As I spotted through the density of the trees the clear area around, all I can say is that felt like going into a sacred space like an altar in a church. It's hard to get the proportion from the pictures but you'll need four people to hold it with your arms open. Absolutely stunning.
So, as we don't have a lot of time and need to ensure I get enough rest today, let's get on with tomorrow's ceremony!.
So here we go.
But before we start, here is the "usual" pre ceremony you can use before doing your exercise. Light some candles, get a comfy blanket, create a space and mood that feels safe and comfortable. It's Me Time guys!
Pre Ceremony:
You can use the Shamanic Drumming Journey (15 minutes) from Martin Duffy (Shamanism Ireland) for the "pre" ceremony phase of the evening. You can have a little meditation or reflection time. Just some quiet time for you. If you are working on certain things that you want to let go use them as offerings:
a) We are going to transmute anything that’s going on with us at the moment... frustrations, fears, worries, etc... or things that we are working on.
b) Get a nice piece of paper and a nice lovely pen and write down the things you need to balance about yourself (consequently in your life) or just let go. In a way, the things that you need to get rid of or moderate.
Eg. I give away/let go my need to control, I give away/let go my need to please others, etc..
Your paper "must" include at the end of the page:
“For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached”
This is a must :)
c) Then read your paper and if you need add/change anything you want and once you are ready, you will burn the paper.
You might need to adapt this slightly but in a nutshell I would suggest you to say from your heart:
"I love you, I forgive you, I release you and I let you go".
And in that same process we:
"I love myself, I forgive myself, I release myself and I let this situation/habit/person... go".
Other variation could be:
”I love you, I forgive you, I forgive myself, I release you and I let you go”
Remember that any process of change starts within guys! We work on ourselves, so our self-expression changes = the world around us.
As you know already this Full Moon Ceremony is about acceptance. It goes hand by hand with the Gemini and Moon Eclipse astrological meaning. Even though it wasn't choose on purpose.
"You can’t go wrong when you take action at a North Node eclipse. You can’t go wrong if you do things a bit differently. You can’t go wrong if you change your mind, or even your world view.
The worst thing you could do, is to do nothing at all, to dismiss what life offers you. If you don’t feel challenged in the process, if you don’t feel resistance, you’re saying NO to your North Node. It is ok to feel challenged, it is ok to feel out of your depth – because this is exactly what the role of the North Node is.
The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Gemini is our opportunity to open our minds and have the courage to think differently. This is a time of full disclosure – this is a time when the Universe will speak to you directly. Pay attention to what it has to say, because it may change your life." - Full Moon And Lunar Eclipse In Gemini - Disclosure
And part of this process of opening our minds and the courage to face what the Universe is trying to show us implies "to embrace and accept all that there is without judgement".
And as we get close to the end of the end of 2020 we can take this opportunity to reflect on the situations, experiences, relationships, challenges, lessons and specially the things that we can not change. Accepting things as they are, people as they are, challenges as they are is not to surrender or to give up. But the reality as that we can only change how we react and/or act in these scenarios but not how the other part decides to embrace the experience or is capable to react, deal or embrace it is something we have no control over it. Acceptance involves to be ok with whatever happens, with the consequences of our decisions, emotions, actions. Is to embrace the opportunity of gain and loss, the unknown, the chance to hurt or been hurt. Acceptance is to be ok with no being strong all the time and perfection is in the vulnerability of our cracks.
It's ok not to be ok. It is also ok to be ok when the world around you is not ok.
In this Full Moon Ceremony we will connect with the four main elements Water, Earth, Wind and Fire. The Moon energy will represent the VOID of full potentiality.
We will also work through the Past, Present and into the future. And each element will be used to transmute a specific emotion or situation. You can narrow it down to suit your specific situation.
Element | Items needed | To be transmuted |
Water | 3 glasses and a jug of water | Tears, sadness, emotional hurt or pain |
Earth | 3 pots (plant optional) | Weakness, lack of confidence, insecurities or indecision |
Wind |
3 spoons of some kind of flour or icing sugar |
Things that no longer serve us, and we need to let go. |
Fire | 3 candles | Anger, hurtful words said and heard, arguments, fighting |
So, as you can see we have 3 items for each element representing: past, present and future.
We will work through each element one by one but you can choose the sequence. You can start by Water or Fire. Your choice.
- WATER: We will pour water in one of the cups while we reflect on all the difficulties we have endured and the tears we have cried and the last 12 months. Once the cup is full we will thank all the experiences we have had and pour the water into a second cup: The Present. Accepting that all there was, was needed to be what we are at this moment in time without judgement. And then move on to the third cup: The Future. Accepting that what will be, will be as it needs to be, letting go of the attachment of what needs to be.
- EARTH: Following the same idea, we will do the same process again with a bit of sand or compost (or whatever you have at hand). Emptying the content from one receptacle to the other.
- WIND: In this case we will put a spoon of our choosen "ingredient" in the palm of our hand, and then we will blow it away each time (past, present, future).
- FIRE: We will light one candle as we tap into the experiences and emotions we need to transmute. And with that candle then light the second one and then the second one will light the third one.
"For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached"
Here is a little suggestion.
You can use the third pot to plant a seed or plant and use the last cup of water to water the plant. And use the last blow (wind element) to blow the candles when you are ready to end the ceremony or you are ready to go to bed.
Is a way to close the processes between each other and create synergy between the elements. While we pair female energy elements (Water - Earth) and male energy elements (Wind - Fire).
Feel free to make variations and follow a sequence that makes sense to you. And please, keep in mind to keep health and safety practices through the process.
So lets the magic begin!
Remember make it your own. Add, adapt and follow your rhythm. For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached.
And with this last remark we finish our ceremony offering our gratitude to the Universe and the circle.
Be awesome, embrace all that you are and thanks for taking part in this Ceremony.
Love you all,
Dakini Elora
Suggestion: This article about how to create a sacred espace might be handy ;)
PS: I'll be putting your names down in my list to connect us all and use the channel to increase the energy of transmutation. This is not a shopping list: I need a new car, or my boyfriend is an asshole make him nice, or my boss is a bitch just turn her into a teddy bear… no my dears… that's not how it works! Hahahaha but seriously we are not here to do dark magick, we don't ask for others only for us and within us. But just in case, I bound the circle for the good of all concerned and with no strings attached. If any of you don't want their name to be added to my list, just shout! Text me, call me, let me know please. Your individuality and empowerment will always be honored and respected. Always :)