Full Moon in Libra: Make me whole again
Make me whole again...
Let's embrace de duality within and redefine what wholeness is.
Dakini Elora
Happy Full Moon!
Spring is here, the earth is waking up and every day offers a new masterpiece that gets colored and shaped by the rebirth of nature all around. Our mood lifts up, days get longer, the day wakes us up early in the morning and we know that this is what a new beginning feels like, mixed with the taste of potential and opportunity.
With this full moon we also close a full year of Moon Ceremonies and brings the chance to reflect on what it has been, what it is and the future of this forthnite cycle. Even though ceremonies are part of my life the writting and sharing it was a new dimension added to my practice. Sometimes I struggle to come to terms sharing certain elements or facilitate certain connections openly. That's the reason why there will always be more than what you can see. And less than what you can deal.
This ceremony has been inspired by a regular reading: Astro Butterfly and the latest astrology article Full Moon In Libra – Becoming Whole Again.
I use astrology as a source of context and certain amount of broad direction, but as everything, you'll find the interpretations vary or have different perspectives on the planetary conjunctions so it is always important to find the astrologer that resonates with you the most. And no matter what you bring that reading into your reality to be shaped by the direction of your path.
With spring comes a biological response that we have dressed as "romance". And if we haven't yet, brings that eternal search for oul "soulmate". Or to be more accurate "twin-flame". But behind all that hormonal and emotional rollercoaster that makes life beautiful and painful but so worth living. There is the aim to fulfil a fundamental human need: to feel whole again.
We can go back to Plato and The Symposium explaining the soulmate concept:
“According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”
― The Symposium
Plato was born in 428/427 BCE to a noble family and died in 348/347 BCE. And as much as his teachings are forever timeless and still shape filosophical discussions, I feel is time to question some perspectives... or maybe our interpretation of this "wholeness". Or maybe... just maybe... to bring a new dimension of what "wholeness" is.
There is no doubt about how relationships are a powerful way to learn and grow. They give us the opportunity to confront our shadow and give us a reflection so we can "see" ourselves, giving us the opprtunity to exist. The most primary need we have as humans.
But let's face it, to be able to see each other and serve as a mirror we want to ensure that as mirrors we offer the most crystal clear reflection without judgement. Otherwise all we are offering is a projection of our beliefs and needs onto the other person. Our strenght becomes the other persons insecurity. Their insecurity our need to protect them or to put them down if we perceive vulnerability as weakness and a trait that can't be accepted in our partner. The list goes on. And I think we have all been, in one side or the other of this eternal game.
I agree that in order to feel whole we need an external source to reflect back so we can "see" all that we are. But my challenge is with the idea that having a romantic partner is the path to wholeness. And I feel, that we got it all wrong for a long time.
I feel that our wholeness comes from the creative force created out of that connection. In plain language, the children. As they are in fact, the only humans that in someway, will allow us to see our reflection or part of us in them. And yes I, I know what you are thinking. But don't worry, the fun is just starting.
I would like to think, that as humans we have evolved from the time our wonderful Plato was writting about what love is.
“Love is simply the name for the desire and pursuit of the whole.”
― The Symposium
And I don't know what you think or see, but I hear nothing in that process that talks to me about romantic relationships. Do you?. It is true that you need to parts in this "love" process. You with Other. But what Other is, is a much bigger concept that having a husband for the rest of your life. Or to expect that through marriage you are in the path of wholeness.
The path to wholeness is and act of love with all that there is that manifests in a physical form through creation, aka the children.
These children might have human form, or not, might be the sound of an instrument, a poem, a beautiful dress, a garden design, a new piece of technology or an act of kindness that could transform another person's life. Our wholeness is in fact a reproductive process were parts of us manifest outside our being. And if we have a healthy approach, as soon as they leave us, we let them go for them to become what they need or want to be. As love, is also an act of freedom.
And we all have to find our path to wholeness, but for that we need to start to come to terms that all we know is nothing more that a cosntruction initially triggered by the need to survive in a world that doesn't exist anymore. We live in a planet over populated. We built, produce and reproduce as there is no tomorrow. We have concepts that can't be applied to a world that is trying to change while we keep holding it back with Disney and cinderella stories.
Your wholeness is yours, make it epic.
After so much philosofy we are going to go a bit withchy. So for tomorrow night you are going to need a juicy and beautiful orange, paper and candle.
We will cut the orange in half and remove the flesh of each part. So we will end up with the shell of the orange. One half is Yin and the other is Yang, the duality that this existence brings us. In one piece of paper we will write down the things we feel we are lacking or look for in another person as a way to complete us or balance our weaknesses.
For example: money for me is not driver. Sitting here, looking at the hills, watching the birds in the garden, having my familiars peacefully resting next to me, with a tasty cup of herbal tea and listening to music while a write this words is the expression of abundance. Going down the rabbit hole is a driver, meaningful conversations is a driver and the simple perfection of each moment is a driver too. As a partner having someone who can compensate my inbalance is a plus, as it would allow me to see the reflection of my actions and priorities. Allowing me to learn and grow while you provide the same service back to the other person.
You can also use this ceremony to create your desired relationship or improve the one you have. But be mindful if you are with someone, because this type of process can trigger a break up. So if in doubt, reach out and I'll be happy to help you draft it. So it is up to you how and what you need to manifest in order to build your path to wholeness. You can write in your paper your career, or the book you want to write, or the house you want to build. This is your act of love to create your other half and its expression in whatever form you desire in this moment in time.
As usual, remember to write and the end of your paper:
"For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached."
After that, you'll ready it 3 times, put it inside the orange and seal the two halves with wax from a candle and if you want to use a ribbon make 3 knots. To close the process you can release it to the fire or buried in the ground. Depending on your priorities, something fast or more long term. I think you get the gist of it.
Whatever you choose, have a fantastic night and harness the magic of this celebration to guide you and help you start a new reality that you, and only you can create.
Dakini Elora