New Moon Ceremony: 22nd April 2020
Check your moon in your time zone
Interesting read from Astro Butterfly for this New Moon in Taurus.
How are we beautiful humans?
I hope we are all good, safe, happy and excited about this New Moon Ceremony.
For those that are new to Moon Ceremonies... it’s good to know that during a New Moon we tap into our female energy to create new beginnings. Female energy is fluid, sensual, empathy, nurturing, fuelled by emotion, wild, mysterious, healing, and able to create miracles (no rational explanation).
Our culture and society is so shaped and conditioned by a patriarchal mentality that we talk and praise the power of the Full Moon. Yet the New Moon is like the underdog. Invisible and not valued because is not shinny enough. Yet is the void... the womb were creation and infinite possibilities happen (with the right combination of male energy).
In our last full moon we had the chance to offer and surrender certain things we wanted to let go and change. And we made a beautiful list of things we want them to be transformed into or we want to bring into our lives. I asked you to keep that list close to you and now is time to give it to the New Moon to make her miracles.
So tonite we will do two different things:
1) We are going to transmute anything that’s going on with us at the moment... frustrations, fears, worries, etc...
2) We are going to bring in: clarity, wisdom, harmony, abundance and self love.
For this we are going to do a little exercise that I hope you all enjoy and I was guided to share with you during the last full moon:
I hope you all like a good cup of tea or coffee. Because we are going to need one... well two! Lol
So we are going to make two cups of tea/coffee. The first one will take away our distress. The second one will bring us harmony and peace. How does that sound? 😉
To do this process we will first reflect on the things that are not working for us while we hold our first cup and stir it anti-clockwise. As we stir we recreate the emotions, thoughts, experiences etc that are bothering us. And as we stir (always anti-clockwise) we little by little let them go pouring them onto our cup. While we repeat:
”I love you, I forgive you, I forgive myself and I let you go”
And keep going at it until your heart feels lighter or a smile comes to your face. Or a tear or whatever it needs to be. You’ll know when you are ready.
Once we do this we will put this cup outdoors or in a window for the New Moon to take it away. And the next day we will pour the content of this cup into the ground for Mother Earth to transmute that energy.
But before that we will enjoy our second cup. For our cup we will stir clockwise while we bring clarity, wisdom, harmony, abundance and self love. And when you are ready you’ll star drinking the cup little by little while you visualised how all those things will look like in your life. And enjoy it every sip at the time.
And when you are done, we will get our list from the last ceremony and burn it. Accepting that those wonderful things are now part of is and with fire we seal that deal.
This New Moon in Taurus is also about sensuality, beauty... so nurture yourself, pamper yourself, treat yourself... so that your cup is so full that overflows.
And remember... for the good of all concerned and with no strings attached 🙏
I hope you enjoy this ceremony and the inclusion of new elements: water and earth. Both female energy.
Ask any questions you might have and make it your own.
Have fun, be awesome, embrace all that you are and thanks for taking part in this ceremony.
Love you all,
Dakini Elora
Suggestion: This article about how to create a sacredspace might be handy ;)
PS: I’ll be putting your names down in my list to connect us all and use the channel to increase the energy of transmutation. This is not a shopping list: I need a new car, or my boyfriend is an asshole make him nice, or my boss is a bitch just turn her into a teddy bear… no my dears… that’s not how it works! Hahahaha but seriously we are not here to do dark magick, we don’t ask for others only for us and within us. But just in case, I bound the circle for the good of all concerned and with no strings attached.
If any of you don’t want their name to be added to my list, just shout! Text me, call me, let me know please. Your individuality and empowerment will always be honoured and respected. Always :)