Full Moon Ceremony: 2nd September 2020
Hi guys!
And hello September!! How are we keeping? Ready for another Full Moon Ceremony? I hope so because we are about to celebrate six months & twelve ceremonies since we started back with the full moon of April.
I started the circle also as a celebration of my rebirth as Elora and as a way to share 20 years of a mad and beautiful spiritual and personal journey, lessons and insights.
My aim is to empower you and support you in your journey with certain level of guidance but with the encouragement and flexibility to find your way and make your own journey. No expectations, no obligations, no requirements except that the circle is bound to create harm to yourself or others "for the good of all concerned and with no strings attached".
Back in April we were only a couple of people and even do I'm not promoting the circle publicly and has been completely closed and private for the majority of the six months, we are 12 beautiful souls making the world beautiful with a bit of magic. I have seen the changes in my life and changes in your life since we started. Just when the world went into lockdown shrinking in fear we have created new opportunities, relationships, business ventures, jobs, areas of interest, and use all that we were to be what we are to create a better version of ourselves and the beauty in our lives and the lives of others. All of this, is thanks to each one of you. It doesn't matter for how long you have been here, how many ceremonies have you done... I'm thankful and blessed for having the opportunity to share, experience and grow with you. None of this would be possible without you. You are the circle.
And for that I'm forever grateful.
I have been thinking a lot about this ceremony (not the best idea! lol) but as I sat down to write this, and after losing my first article into the ether of the internet, I still don't know the ceremony. But as always I leave it to my guides to bring the words and ideas that need to flow.
Back in April in that first ceremony we started taking baby steps and using a simple process of transmutation: letting go to create the space (a womb, the void...) to bring new things and experiences to our lives.
This is the first transmutation we did
1) Get a nice piece of paper and a nice lovely pen and write down the thinks you need to balance about yourself (consequently in your life). In a way the things that you need to get rid of or moderate (you will burn this paper).
Eg. I give away my need to control, I give away my need to please others, etc..2) Reflect on it and if some of them can be put into action/goal… write the action in a separate paper (you will keep this one) + the thing you want to replace the thing you are giving away:
E.g I bring trust into my life, I bring self love and healthy boundaries, etc...
Simple right? but from there we have built Kolams, use the 3,6,9 vibration that Tesla talked about, made moon water, pampered ourselves, made teas, we have burned candles, papers, made offerings and let go, accept, forgive and let go, let go, let go over and over again.
I'm not sure if you have ever considered why I don't use the term manifestation as the purpose of our ceremonies. But if you do, here is why.
Manifestation is a consequence of transmutation. Without the groundwork and the personal growth that we all deserve to invest in, the act of manifestation becomes an ego based exercise most of the time based in material stuff. Is like having sex without intimacy. Fun but boring after while, and usually something or someone pays the price of that relationship.
And here is the trick "someone or something pays the price" because to create anything we need a source, materials, ingredients, something we give as an offering. A sacrifice if you may.
My journey and path as a "baby" Dakini (as I like to call it) is to bring to you a new way of balance within you and the Universe, and eternal dance of intimacy and love within you and your life where transmutation becomes a manifestation in the feminine with respect and honour for all things. We raise our consciousness from the darkness of the womb, destruction of the ego and our attachment to pain and suffering.
We embrace the change and flow of life outside the stories we have been made to believe about who we are, what we do or can be. And we use all that bullshit to fuel our stoves and cook life as a Michelin star restaurant.
That's what we do with every candle, every word, every tear and every laugh we offer to the Moon.
On September 2nd, 2020 we have a Full Moon in Pisces. This is one of the positive Full Moons of the year because it is sextile Uranus in Taurus.
This is a highly feminine, receptive, and manifesting Full Moon – an opportunity to turn your brilliance into something real that can benefit the world in a tangible way.
You will be especially influenced by this Full Moon if you have planets or angles around 10° in Pisces, Virgo or Taurus.
Tomorrow night I'll be making a bonfire and make two important personal offerings to help us all connect and weave through the councious fabric of the Universe. The intention is clear: embrace the power within to be the change we want to see in the world. Integrating all the learnings of the last months and spending time to reflect on our achievements and in what we have and don't have any more in our lives. Identifying areas of improvements and accept that what it is there, is there for a reason. And we'll ask the moon for her bright light tomorrow night to help us find the path of learning, growth and happyness that we deserve.
We'll call upon our guides and power animals. To source itself. To guide our words, thoughts, feelings and steps towards a brighter path. Surrendering to the learnings necesaries to do so.
Tomorrow we will lit the fire again. The fire that we are and from there we will just sit in contemplation and gratitude for all that we have done. We will write it all down. And when we are done... we will give it back to the fire as an act of integration and acceptance that we are not who we were 6 months ago and that we are ready to evolve into a newer version of ourselves.
"For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached" (please add this to your papers).
On top of that, my suggestion is that you pick another element from another ceremony or your own. This is for you to add to this ceremony your own individual power within the collective. So use your creativity or go through past ceremonies. This is your thing ;)
Even do this is not in order I share with you the "usual" pre ceremony you can do beforehand. And please, as always, be mindful of lighting fire indoors or outdoors so please be safe and mindful.
Pre Ceremony:
You can use the Shamanic Drumming Journey (15 minutes) from Martin Duffy (Shamanism Ireland) for the "pre" ceremony phase of the evening. You can have a little meditation or reflection time. Just some quiet time for you. If you are working on certain things that you want to let go use them as offerings:
a) We are going to transmute anything that’s going on with us at the moment... frustrations, fears, worries, etc... or things that we are working on.
b) Get a nice piece of paper and a nice lovely pen and write down the things you need to balance about yourself (consequently in your life) or just let go. In a way, the things that you need to get rid of or moderate.
Eg. I give away/let go my need to control, I give away/let go my need to please others, etc..
Your paper "must" include at the end of the page:
“For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached”
This is a must :)
c) Then read your paper and if you need add/change anything you want and once you are ready, you will burn the paper.
You might need to adapt this slightly but in a nutshell I would suggest you to say from your heart:
"I love you, I forgive you, I release you and I let you go".
And in that same process we:
"I love myself, I forgive myself, I release myself and I let this situation/habit/person... go".
Other variation could be:
”I love you, I forgive you, I forgive myself, I release you and I let you go”
Remember that any process of change starts within guys! We work on ourselves, so our self-expression changes = the world around us.
This month our element will be fire, and we will let the ashes be brushed away by the wind. Both, male energy elements to balance our beautiful New Moon female energy.
Remember make it your own. Add, adapt and follow your rhythm. For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached.
And with this last remark we finish our ceremony offering our gratitude to the Universe and the circle.
Be awesome, embrace all that you are and thanks for taking part in this Ceremony.
Love you all,
Dakini Elora
Suggestion: This article about how to create a sacred espace might be handy ;)
PS: I’ll be putting your names down in my list to connect us all and use the channel to increase the energy of transmutation. This is not a shopping list: I need a new car, or my boyfriend is an asshole make him nice, or my boss is a bitch just turn her into a teddy bear… no my dears… that’s not how it works! Hahahaha but seriously we are not here to do dark magick, we don’t ask for others only for us and within us. But just in case, I bound the circle for the good of all concerned and with no strings attached.
If any of you don’t want their name to be added to my list, just shout! Text me, call me, let me know please. Your individuality and empowerment will always be honoured and respected. Always :)