New Moon Ceremony: 17th September 2020
Happy New Moon guys!
I'm not sure about you. But I feel like starting a new cycle. Like a New Year celebration without the crackers, the champaign or the turkey. But still a milestore that just happened to be located in a random date of this rather random year 2020.
So I wanted to start this new cycle with something special and a bit different. And this is what came to us: a beautiful shamanic ceremony called "despacho".
In Peru (as well as in parts of Bolivia and Ecuador), there’s an ancient ceremony called the “Despacho.” The word means “sending a message or care package” in Spanish and it’s an act of love that reminds us of the interconnectedness shared between all beings, elements, spirits, and sacred places. Despachos provide us with the opportunity to momentarily return to the essential unity with all that exists, with the living energy (Kawsay Pacha) of the Universe.
Among the Quechua Indians, the despacho ceremony is the centerpiece of their spiritual and ritualistic heritage. When the locals go to see a Shaman, whether they go in search of better health, a more loving relationship, or healing from grief, the first thing often done is a despacho.
Despacho rituals are designed to align, balance and harmonize the three levels of consciousness: Yankay (the physical universe), Yachay (the spirit or wisdom center), and Munay (the feeling or heart center). In building your own bundle or despacho, you are bringing all aspects of your consciousness into the process. You are entering an altered state of consciousness that is alignment with all these energy centers.
There are multitude of different despachos, like the “Inti/Chaska Despacho” (sun), “Aya Despacho” (soul guiding), and the “Cuti Despacho” (negative energy repellent) to name a few. While all despachos share similar elements, they are designed differently according to the intention of the person.
Once again, the power behind this ceremony and the most important ingredient is intent. As with any offering, having a special inner connection with each component of the despacho is what allows our emotional center to align with everything else. It has to be meaningful to you. But also keeping in mind that whatever ingredients you use... will be released into the elements.
Trying to choose what we include in the despacho might sound a bit daunting but I'm sharing with you in a minute some ideas I gather around the net. The important thing is to ask yourself: “Does this item increase my gratitude towards existence in this moment or not?” If it doesn’t, I move on to another item.
You can give them symbolic meaning, for example, sugar might represent an appreciation of the “sweetness of life" and flower "beauty and harmony".
- Begin with a large piece of white paper or fabric. This will be the “wrapping” for your offering – think of it as a present. The bigger... the better.
- Fold the paper into thirds one way and then thirds the other way so you have nine squares.
- In the center square, we will start by creating an equilaterial cross inside a circle that we will draw with brown or white sugar
- Then you start to layer the ingredients and objects you choose for this ceremony. There are no rules. So just follow your instinct and make it meaningful to you.
Note: you can choose to use the 3,6,9 pattern or create a little mandala in your center square.
Once you have filled the despacho with your prayers and vision for yourself and the Earth, fold the bundle into the shape of a gift; left to right, right to left; then bottom up and top down. Tie it with a white cord or ribbon and add one “Qintu” (see below) for any “forgotten prayers.”
Ingredient suggestions and their representations:
- Large piece of white paper: Envelope of dreams in which we “write” our prayers. Blow your intent for reciprocity and balance in to this empty, folded gift.
- Sugar: Represents sweetness and love.
- Qintu: In Peru, they typically use three coca leaves, but you can utilize three small leaves from trees native to your area. We often use bay leaves, so look for leaves about that size.
- Red and White Carnations: Red for the Earth and white for the mountains. Place a red and a white carnation petal on top of the Qintu (to represent the snow-covered mountains reaching the Heavens) on top of the red petal representing the Earth.
- Build the foundation of the despacho with the Quintus, informing each with your prayer (use a minimum of 12 Qintus).
- Cover the Qintus with a little more sugar, representing even more love and sweetness.
- Place one open shell in the middle of the prayers, representing the womb of the Earth, our source and birthplace. This holds us, nourishes us, and provides opportunity and safety.
Now feed your prayers with a handful of what sustains you:
- Rice: Fertility and abundance, to bring your prayers into fruition.
- Various grains: Sustenance.
- Nuts: Gifts for the Plant People.
- Beans: For protection, abundance, power places, and the springs that nourish us.
- Corn: Sustenance, gift back to the Earth for what we have been given.
- Raisins: Spirits of our ancestors, our blood lineage.
- Figs: Spirits of the ancient ones who dwell in the sacred mountains.
- Alphabet noodles: To step outside and beyond language.
Animal crackers for animal spirits, and health.
And then add a few more pinches of “sweetness”:
- Candies, candy hearts, sweet gum drops, candy corn, etc.: Represent everything we are in relationship with.
- Chocolate: Pachamama LOVES chocolate.
- Loose sage or other incense: To feed the elements of the Earth.
- Black licorice for protection.
- Gummy or candy frogs: Represent messengers, envoys to carry our prayers; and cycle of waters.
- “Play” money (one piece): To ensure successfulness of the despacho.
- Unraveled cotton balls (clouds): Represent aware-time and dream-time.
- Confetti stars: Represent connection to the stars.
- Colored confetti or sprinkles: To celebrate all life.
- Rainbow yarn: Represents the bridge between the worlds.
- Red and white cord: Represents the “red” road and the Hatoon Yan, or road to the stars.
- Flower petals for healing.
When you have placed all your items in the despacho, the corners of the large paper are then folded over the contents so that they all overlap at the center to form a smaller square. Tie the despacho without flipping it over so that all the prayers are sustained.
Then you can adorn your despacho with ribbons or other decorative elements, and then we will offer to Nature. You can do this by either:
- Burying it (for slow, steady results),
- Burning it (for quicker transformation),
- Or feeding it to the running waters ceremonially.
If you burn it, do not look towards the flames until after the despacho has completely burned up. This symbolizes non-attachment to the outcome and release of all claim to that which has been given away.
Like any harmonious, balanced and thriving relationship, cultivating a deep connection with Spirit requires a healthy dose of giving. Always be generous with your offerings and abundant with your action towards Mother Nature.
At the end of your ceremony, the energy of intention that is captured and contained within the despacho is released back into the universe, where its message of reciprocity and gratitude can reach the most appropriate form of manifestation. The result is renewed harmony and balance in ordinary life.
May all our prayers be heard: "for the good of all concerned and with no strings attached".
Some more info here:
Remember make it your own. Add, adapt and follow your rhythm. For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached.
And with this last remark we finish our ceremony offering our gratitude to the Universe and the circle.
Be awesome, embrace all that you are and thanks for taking part in this Ceremony.
Love you all,
Dakini Elora
Suggestion: This article about how to create a sacred space might be handy ;)
PS: I’ll be putting your names down in my list to connect us all and use the channel to increase the energy of transmutation. This is not a shopping list: I need a new car, or my boyfriend is an asshole make him nice, or my boss is a bitch just turn her into a teddy bear… no my dears… that’s not how it works! Hahahaha but seriously we are not here to do dark magick, we don’t ask for others only for us and within us. But just in case, I bound the circle for the good of all concerned and with no strings attached.
If any of you don’t want their name to be added to my list, just shout! Text me, call me, let me know please. Your individuality and empowerment will always be honoured and respected. Always :)