Full Moon Ceremony: 1st October 2020
Hi guys!
And hello October!! What a month we have ahead my lovelies. Two full moons and a new moon ceremony all in the same month. Yep... three ceremonies in October!!
I must confess that in this new 6 month cycle we have started, the energy, the inner work, the synchronicities and omens have been pretty intense. The last two ceremonies have been more than memorable. And when you have experiences like that, sometimes the expectations and the worry that the next one won't be "as good as" is always there in the back of your mind.
I was thinking over the weekend about what was going to be our next celebration and Saturday night I got that feeling that this full moon was time to just "be". So for this full moon we will create a Self Love Jar focusing in the gratitude of our journey. This is a simple but thoughtful process. You know the drill... the more you put into it... the more you'll get out of it. But here is the "usual" pre ceremony just in case you fancy a bit extra but gathering the elements will suffice for this full moon.
Pre Ceremony:
You can use the Shamanic Drumming Journey (15 minutes) from Martin Duffy (Shamanism Ireland) for the "pre" ceremony phase of the evening. You can have a little meditation or reflection time. Just some quiet time for you. If you are working on certain things that you want to let go use them as offerings:
a) We are going to transmute anything that’s going on with us at the moment... frustrations, fears, worries, etc... or things that we are working on.
b) Get a nice piece of paper and a nice lovely pen and write down the things you need to balance about yourself (consequently in your life) or just let go. In a way, the things that you need to get rid of or moderate.
Eg. I give away/let go my need to control, I give away/let go my need to please others, etc..
Your paper "must" include at the end of the page:
“For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached”
This is a must :)
c) Then read your paper and if you need add/change anything you want and once you are ready, you will burn the paper.
You might need to adapt this slightly but in a nutshell I would suggest you to say from your heart:
"I love you, I forgive you, I release you and I let you go".
And in that same process we:
"I love myself, I forgive myself, I release myself and I let this situation/habit/person... go".
Other variation could be:
”I love you, I forgive you, I forgive myself, I release you and I let you go”
Remember that any process of change starts within guys! We work on ourselves, so our self-expression changes = the world around us.
Note: This time, to connect each other in support and to magnify the intention and energy I'll be creating a separate offering for the group.
So let's the magic begin!
The pre ceremony is going to be collecting the items for your jar as there might be a bit more involved than expected and tricky logistics for some of us to get all the bits. Here are the basics:
- Glass Jar with lid (not too big... not too small)
- Pink or Green candle – to seal the jar
- Bay leaves (you can buy in the supermarket) or other type of dry leaves to write beautiful and inspiring words - (I am strong, I am beautiful, I'm pure awesomeness, etc...)
- Honey
And here the fun begins because now is time to collect your bits. This whole exercise is about intention and meaning: the meaning that you can associate to certain items, elements or ingredients and the intention you give them. Overall is the representation that every element has for you. So the following list are suggestions but you can go as wild as you want and there is no right or wrong here. I would only advice to use elements that can be disposed.
- Brown sugar – to add a little sweetness
- Rose petals – good for self love and connecting with goddess energy
- Pink Himalayan Salt – Salt for protection and purification
- Lavender – calming and is great for heightening awareness
- Rosemary or other fragant herbs - dried or fresh
- Sage Leaves or Palo Santo – purification and cleansing
- Cinnamon - perfect for getting rid of negative energy and ‘warming up’ your own power!
- Pink Peppercorns – to give yourself a little kick
- Spices - just for a bit of fun and get that bit extra out of life
- Rose or Green Quartz (or other crystals) – to intensify energy (I would place crystals outside the jar unless you are happy to dispose of them
- Seeds - new beginnings
- Earth - connecting to The Mother + nurturing
- ... and the rest is your you to imagine, create and source... have fun with it guys!
Little by little you can collect all your bits. Write a list of things you would like to express to yourself and you can write them on the leaves and add them to the jar or use some ingredients that might represent them. Be creative and have fun with this part. On our full moon we will add them to the jar and once they are all in you can add 3 spoons of honey. Close the lid and seal the jar with the wax of the candle. Be gentle with this part and please ensure that you take no risks to set anything on fire. Safety first.
Once the jar is sealed you will leave the jar outside for the full moon to charge and get her blessings.
Suggestion: You can also write on the jar with a marker. Write your name or "I am" and even decorate the jar if you feel like it.
We are going to keep the jar until the next full moon to keep us inspired and recharge our love for who we are, who we were and who are we becoming.
For some self love inspiration: Poem - The Path to Saggyness
Remember make it your own. Add, adapt and follow your rhythm. For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached.
And with this last remark we finish our ceremony offering our gratitude to the Universe and the circle.
Be awesome, embrace all that you are and thanks for taking part in this Ceremony.
Love you all,
Dakini Elora
Suggestion: This article about how to create a sacred espace might be handy ;)
PS: I’ll be putting your names down in my list to connect us all and use the channel to increase the energy of transmutation. This is not a shopping list: I need a new car, or my boyfriend is an asshole make him nice, or my boss is a bitch just turn her into a teddy bear… no my dears… that’s not how it works! Hahahaha but seriously we are not here to do dark magick, we don’t ask for others only for us and within us. But just in case, I bound the circle for the good of all concerned and with no strings attached.
If any of you don’t want their name to be added to my list, just shout! Text me, call me, let me know please. Your individuality and empowerment will always be honoured and respected. Always :)