Full Moon Ceremony: 5th June 2020
Check your moon in your time zone
Interesting read from Astro Butterfly: The Astrology Of June 2020 – Solar Eclipse In Cancer
Hello guys!
The Strawberry Full moon is nearly here, and we have some homework to do!. We won't go on, on how quickly time goes, etc... because we all agree that our "every couple of weeks" ceremonies seem to happen sooner than we think and time is really flying. I'm also delighted to see how you guys are making this ceremonies part of your life, your "me time" or an exercise of reflection and self-care. You are truly awesome!.
Before we go into the nitty-gritty detail of this full moon I just wanted to say that it's great to link up outside the circle and in between ceremonies so feel free to reach out if you want to clarify processes, clear doubts, write your affirmations, etc... You can also use this post to ask some questions and I'll do the best to get back to you within a couple of days.
For the last New Moon Ceremony I had some ideas about what we were going to do, but as this process is unique every time I write it (and I channel the instructions) what I thought we were going to do, and what we did, were two different things. I need to have a serious chat with my spirit guides to see if we can get a bit more time to plan. And as I'm writing this I feel them looking down at me having a great laugh. So not sure if this is going to happen soon guys. But I'll keep negotiating! lol.
The challenge of this new moon is this: we will open ourselves to let go of the idea of who we should be and how life should be. That's all. - New Moon Ceremony: 22nd May 2020
Our Ego is the "story" of the self that we believe we are. A story we built which creates our own reality, choices, etc... making big changes, taking new big challenges, etc... most of, if not "all" the time requires rewriting that story.
"This Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse is square Mars, so it triggers the Sun-Mars square. The Mars cycle is a metaphor for the hero’s journey. This first Sun-Mars square (which occurs on June 5th, 2020) is when the hero leaves the “familiar world” and crosses the threshold to the “unknown world”. This phase of the Mars cycle is when the hero is the most vulnerable. This is the Victim state of the Hero. Later in the Mars cycle, when we have the Sun-Mars opposition (on October 13th, 2020) the hero will have to confront the villain. That’s why right now, at the time of the 1st square, we’d better get ready. It’s time to draw on our resources, find a mentor, and ask for help. Which internal resources can you capitalize on to get ready for the “battle”? Which skills do you still need to master? The Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is a great time to see where you’re at and make an inventory of your assets."
And the hero is no hero because he wins a battle but because is ok with the consequences of his/her actions. Because he/she dares to question the status-quo and change the world by changing his/herself. Because is better to have the opportunity to flourish than to make our existence and purpose in life meaningless just to tick a box to fit social expectations. Do you want to live your life to the fullest? Well, this is how.
In this process we might need to break some eggs, or burn some omelettes but as Thomas A. Edison said:
“I didn't fail 1000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps.” - Thomas A. Edison
So let's take the steps. Let's plant that seed, feed that seed, care for that little plant already growing... it doesn't matter at what stage you are, is time to jump guys.
Pre Ceremony:
You can use the Shamanic Drumming Journey (15 minutes) from Martin Duffy (Shamanism Ireland) for the "pre" ceremony phase of the evening. You can have a little meditation or reflection time. Just some quiet time for you. If you are working on certain things that you want to let go use them to fuel your dream:
a) We are going to transmute anything that’s going on with us at the moment... frustrations, fears, worries, etc... or things that we are working on.
b) Get a nice piece of paper and a nice lovely pen and write down the things you need to balance about yourself (consequently in your life) or just let go. In a way, the things that you need to get rid of or moderate.
Eg. I give away/let go my need to control, I give away/let go my need to please others, etc..
Your paper "must" include at the end of the page:
“For the good of all concerned and with no strings attached”
This is a must :)
c) Then read your paper and if you need add/change anything you want and once you are ready, you will burn the paper.
And you might need to adapt this slightly but in a nutshell I would suggest you to say from your heart:
"I love you, I forgive you, I release you and I let you go".
And in that same process we:
"I love myself, I forgive myself, I release myself and I let this situation/habit/person... go".
Other variation could be:
”I love you, I forgive you, I forgive myself, I release you and I let you go”
Remember that any process of change starts within guys! We work on ourselves, so our self-expression changes = the world around us.
I'll let you decide this month what element you want to use to clear the ashes: the wind (male), water (female) or earth (female)... but please be sensible while burning and letting go of the ashes. Safety always first ;)
So the process of this ceremony is going to be quite simple, and we are going to need one candle. Preferably a long candle not a tea light.
1) We will use a needle or pen or something sharp (but safe! Do not do silly things and cut yourself!) to write in the candle.
2) We will ask the candle to show us the light to see the path, resources and choices we need for this journey ahead. You are the light. But the candle will be your reflection.
3) You can write in the candle itself a question, a dream, a goal but I need you to go big and lotto numbers do not apply here ;)
4) Until the next New Moon you will sit and light your candle until is all gone to meditate/write/work on the resources you need, your strategy, plans, changes, dream etc... I would suggest you do this daily even if it is just for few minutes or you just light the candle for two seconds. This will fuel your energy and your goal.
5) Make this process something enjoyable, burn some incense, play some music (if you haven't done it already) and let the "light" inspire you and show you what you don't yet see. I would personally add some strawberries or something yummy for the craic ;)
And with this last remark we finish our ceremony offering our gratitude to the Universe and the circle.
Hopefully I give you enough options and scenarios to accommodate your personal situation and is simple enough to follow. Remember this is about you and finding your expression while we work as a group. Probably what I love the most about the way this process has unfolded.
I hope you enjoy it and have fun tomorrow, even with the things that might make you uncomfortable or sad or scare you... they are just things, emotions, moments... and you are much, much, much bigger than that. You are a whole Universe!.
Be awesome, embrace all that you are and thanks for taking part in this Ceremony.
Love you all,
Dakini Elora
Suggestion: This article about how to create a sacred espace might be handy ;)
PS: I’ll be putting your names down in my list to connect us all and use the channel to increase the energy of transmutation. This is not a shopping list: I need a new car, or my boyfriend is an asshole make him nice, or my boss is a bitch just turn her into a teddy bear… no my dears… that’s not how it works! Hahahaha but seriously we are not here to do dark magick, we don’t ask for others only for us and within us. But just in case, I bound the circle for the good of all concerned and with no strings attached.
If any of you don’t want their name to be added to my list, just shout! Text me, call me, let me know please. Your individuality and empowerment will always be honoured and respected. Always :)